Lord’s Safari aspires to protect and enhance our natural and cultural environment. We aim to communicate and interpret the natural values and cultural heritage of the areas visited, while encouraging protection, preservation and conservation of all resources in order to have sustainable visitation for future generations.
Our environmental management commitment is as follows;
- Our company has made a strong commitment to environmental best practice in office management and general operations.
- Through a process of continual improvement we aim to excel in the application of efficient and effective environmental management practices of the company’s office and tour operations
- Through a philosophy of ‘rethink, reduce, reuse, repair, recycle’ we will: · systematically manage our activities to minimise or eliminate our negative environmental impacts and use of resources;
- Work closely with our employees, clients, suppliers, other tour industry stakeholders and in particular with the local aboriginal people and Traditional Owners to continually refine our work practices and operations to best practice standards;
- Implement systems to measure, monitor, review and improve upon the environmental performance defined in our objectives and targets an work towards provide a carbon neutral business operation.
- Implement measures to prevent or minimise pollution, waste and other human impacts in all the environments in which we operate;
- Ensure transparency in our environmental decision making;
- Incorporate best practice environmental management into our business plans and management practices;
- As a minimum, comply with our environmental management plans and all relevant legislation, standards, guidelines and policy;
- Actively promote and encourage the adoption of ecological sustainable work practices and operations within our organisation and the general community;
- Review and update this policy when required to ensure continued relevance; and
- Communicate this policy to internal and external stakeholders.
Sab Lord & Ann-Maree Grant
Lord’s Kakadu & Arnhemland Safaris